Sunday 10 July 2016


My biggest pet hate when I've travelled in the past is lugging around unnecessary equipment. This time I've opted for the relatively minimalist approach with a few home comforts in the form of electrical devices.

I've purchased the Osprey Farpoint 40L rucksack to help limit myself to only taking what I need and I will also be travelling with my SLR camera and LowePro backpack. We have both bought new down jackets on the advise of Steve to allow us to travel light and all over the world with just t-shirts and maybe a thing jumper.

On the shoe front I am taking a pair of walking shoes that I will use when the weather is cooler and for any trekking we undertake. I have purchased a pair that are smart enough to wear with Jeans and a shirt so we can go into nice restaurants when we stay in cities. I'll also be taking my trusty flip-flops which I plan to wear 90% of the time.

Clothing wise I'm taking enough to last me for a week to 10 days and will wash on a regular basis. This approach will allow me to keep things organised and not have to lug around too many unwanted fabrics.

Electronics wise I am taking my SLR with an 18-300mm Tamron lens to allow for landscape and wildlife photography. I'll use my phone camera for more casual photos and will be easily be able to update this blog on the move.

I'm also going to take our laptop to edit photos, plan ahead and keep the blog updated as regularly as possible. I'll also be carrying a kindle, a number of charging devices, an old ipod with my music and some other bits and bobs. Medically Carly has organised this side of things and we will split the load.