Tuesday 6 September 2016

Brisbane to the Whitsundays (via Mackay airport!)

Edd normally does the travel day blogs, don't ask me why, you just get into little routines. For example I carry any tickets we get, Edd has all the money, Edd does almost all the research of where we're going, I make the phone calls, I guess it just work's that way.

Today we're breaking tradition and I'm doing the travel day blog. It's a hard one because really we sit in an airport and do very little for most of the day. Having said that the flight today was more exciting than normal!

We both got searched at the terminal, Edd got drug swabbed and they found my sewing kit I'd forgotten I'd left in my hand luggage. We then boarded a tiny plane with propellers which was very exciting until they explained that we would be making an unexpected stop. Turns out a bird had flown into a propeller on another plane in Mackay and they needed an engineer to fix the plane, we were going to fly the engineer over on our way to the Hamilton Island.

Being 15 minutes delayed didn't bother me but it did raise a few questions; why don't all airports have an engineer? What happens if we fly into a bird? And why don't we have any oxygen mask on our flight. I'm not a nervous flyer normally and I decided I didn't really want them to explain the answers to me before we took off! As they say ignorance is bliss!!

I finally got a window seat! Edd has this debate that if we have an aisle seat, he needs it for the leg room and if we have a window seat he needs it so that he's not encroaching on someone else's space being as big as he is!!! (Another little routine) I think it's a poor argument but I'm also a pushover so I have been squished in the middle for 11 flights now. Of all the days to get a window seat though, today was the best, we landed and took off twice and I got to see some stunning island/sea scenery on the way in.

We arrived to a very small airport and a weird baggage system where you collect your bag from the collection truck. They then directed us to our resort hotel or the ferry. We spent an hour curled up on the boat against the wind and grey skies to get to Airlie Beach. It has the potential to be stunning but the weather isn't helping right now!

We walked around this very cool 'surfer dude' resort with lots of backpacker style bars and clubs. We're still out of season and it's quiet but I just can't ever picture there being enough people to fill all these clubs and bars the resort is tiny.

We have had a rather quiet night in our backpackers, the room is a small wooden box but does the job and has enough for us to make a basic dinner. 

Edd made us tomato and mozzarella baguettes which were delicious. We both want an early night before the excitement of tomorrow sailing trip. I have to admit I'm nervous about sailing, have never done it and don't like the idea of being at sea for 3 days without being able to get off.
I'm also worried about being exposed in the sun and getting itchy skin from the salt water. I'm sure I'm over dramatising it, and once I get on and get going I'll be fine but it's the fear of the unknown. We have been to find out about sea sickness tablets but the problem is you can't take anything once you're sick so you have to preempt it, the tablets however may make you drowsy so it's sleep or sickness I'm choosing between.

I had a lovely catch up with mum and dad and then we got into whatsapp conversation with Wrigs! GREAT NEWS... He's coming to visit us in NYC!!! He just booked it there and then! I love that! We're so so chuffed to have him along for some of the trip! Very much looking forward to NYC especially now with our extra guest!

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