Thursday 22 September 2016

Halfway! Australia to New Zealand

Up early this morning and very sad to be saying goodbye to Australia. We dropped the car keys off and check in was as smooth as usual. Only 90 minutes to go before take off so we're getting slowly better! Carly's still full from all the eating we've been doing but I managed a coffee with a ham and cheese croissant!

The flight to Sydney was smooth and we touched down with 4 hours to kill between flights. Slightly annoyed to find out that you have to pay here to travel between terminals! I'm not sure that I've ever had to pay for a shuttle bus between terminals and while it wasn't much it seemed weird! I couldn't resist checking to see if we'd been scammed but it really is the only way between terminals unless you fancy a 45 minute walk along a busy road, a taxi or flying first class. These were our 17th & 18th flights out of 24 so although we're half way through we've already done 3/4 of our flying! 

Before check in opened we had time to kill so I sorted our money out, paying off the credit card and moving money between accounts etc. Carly got some sleep in so that we can be as fresh as possible for a busy three weeks in New Zealand. The plan is to go non-stop and cram everything in with four days in Fiji to chill out afterwards!

The flight into Queenstown is stunning. You fly in over the fjords to the west of the island and then over the mountains into the city. We were probably half an hour too late to see it all in daylight but we got a beautiful tail end of the sunset. We arrived in Queenstown just after 7:30pm and headed into the city to check in to our accommodation. If all goes well with the campervan this will be the last time we stay in a room for about three weeks!

We had missed check in so the owners had left us a pack with our key and wifi code. We were slightly surprised to find it sellotaped to the front door! No security needed it would seem! We dumped our bags and headed straight into town in search of the famous Fergburger.

Fergburger is legendary in these parts and didn't disappoint! Finest New Zealand beef and buns baked next door in the bakery! We took the wise decision to share chips and I enjoyed my first New Zealand beer!

After we headed for a few beers in the brilliantly named 'Smith's Craft Beer House'! We were both knackered after a full day travelling so had a quick wander around town and headed back to the hostel. Tomorrow we pick up the campervan and start exploring!

Summary of Australia:

  • Language: A broken form of English!
  • Everyone calls you mate! Which I love!
  • 'Hello' is generally replaced with "how you going"
  • Currency: Australian Dollars. 1 AUD = 0.58 GBP
  • Time difference: 9 hours
  • Venomous animals: way too many to count!
  • Horrible ways to die: See above! They'll get ya...
  • Best Coffee: Brother Baba Budan in Melborne
  • Best Pastry: Lamingtons on our day trip in the Daintree Rainforest
  • Best Craft Beer bar: The local taphouse in Sydney
  • Best meal: Cheese board overlooking the Tamar Valley in the sunshine
  • Best tour guide: The clueless ex body builder at the butterfly house
  • Brisbane doesn't get much press but is a lovely city for a wander
  • Animals up close: Dolphins, Seahorses, Koalas, Blue tongue lizard, Kangaroo, Butterflies, Snake, Fish (snorkelling)
  • Favourite animal experience: Dolphins at Tin Can Bay
  • Tasmania is AMAZING! Everyone should go there...
  • Edd loves sailing, Carly isn't so sure...
  • Ben & Hannah got engaged!

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