Thursday 1 September 2016

Sydney to Brisbane

So after 5 great nights in Sydney we begin moving up the coast, first stop Brisbane. We had a lunchtime flight so a lazy morning and short tube ride to the airport. Brekkie at the airport was lovely as we looked into what we wanted to with our time in and around Brisbane.

We landed and had a quick trip by train into town, I liked the train as it was high up and you could see more than normal. We spotted our hotel as we left the airport as its by far the tallest building in town and stands out on the sky line. I don't know how Edd has managed it but we have ended up with a stunning suit/apartment, apparently it's something to do with the large amount of accommodation we're booking means we get good deals sent to us. 

It has kitchenette, lounge, bedroom and most excitingly laundry facilities. This is my first big wash of the trip, I have washed EVERYTHING! We've been washing bits out by hand as and when we could but it's exciting to get everything properly clean!
We used this afternoon to wander the city a little, we've been told there's nothing special here but Edd and I were pleasantly surprised, it felt like it was more buzzing than Sydney. We strolled through a lovely botanical garden along side a big and river with lots of interesting bridges. I have to admit I was only half concentrating whilst whatsapping Hannah about bridesmaid dresses at the same time!! 

We were on one of the interesting bridges enjoying a sun set when we got a phone call from Andy and Fiona (friends from home who are also travelling and have been ahead of us so far.) They were on their way down the cost and coming into Brisbane for dinner before continuing to Byron bay. 

We met up with them half an hour later and it was so brilliant to see friendly faces!! I'm so happy we managed to catch up, we always thought we would cross paths but weren't sure where and actually this will probably be the only time. We had such a lovely evening with them, we really had to make an effort to find somewhere to eat and order food or we would probably still be stood on the street corner catching up. 

We swapped stories and they gave us tips on the bits we are heading up to next. They are off to NZ soon so we'll have to pick their brains for that too. It was funny how we travel so differently, Andy and Fiona were a lot more relaxed/disorganised! They were heading to Byron tonight and were busy googling hostels to stay in tonight at dinner on the wifi!! We didn't finish dinner too late so hopefully they'll get back at a semi civilised time. 

We picked up a few bits and headed home to our luxury apartment. Edd has got quite comfy on the sofa watching the rugby league match (Sydney v Brisbane) that's on tv so I'm on blog duty (and wedding googling!!)

We have managed to move out car hire forward tomorrow so we can make the most of Australia zoo as we head up the cost! I can't wait to see more koalas, roos and crocs!

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