Sunday 11 September 2016

Chill day in Port Douglas

Today was a lazy day, it was very much needed, although the boat way considered relaxing your body constantly has to cope with readjusting itself and apparently that takes it out of you. With two busy days on tours coming up I very much enjoyed my lie in while Edd sorted some pictures and other bits on the laptop.

We got up late and having booked our tour for daintree rainforest tomorrow we wandered into town for the local market. We had been told it was not to be missed with lots of fresh fruit and veg, photography and crafts. It did have a veg stand and craft stand but we were a bit underwhelmed. 

I'm being unfair, it got better but to be honest I just spent the time searching for the next shady stand! It was so incredibly hot today. We had the most amazing pineapple crush drink, I'm going to remember them for hot summers in England!
We covered the market pretty quickly and decided to head back to the hostel, have an admin day and sort our laundry. We went home via the supermarket and Edd bought some cooked prawns for his lunch. It's fun food shopping in other countries, you notice the differences between what we have at home. 

It's a bit of a busman's holiday for Edd but he seems to still love it! Trying to buy enough for lunch and dinner with out too many left overs is always a challenge and inevitably we buy too much. Lunch was cheese, bread and tomatoes for me and Edd had his half a kilo of prawns with salad and bread and butter.

In the afternoon we rented a film from the front desk and played a couple of games of pool at the hostel. We also got a much needed wash done, it was so nice to get the salt out our clothes that we took on the ship. In the late afternoon we then headed to the beach once the sun was on its way down and could do less damage to my already very red legs!

Edd cooked for us again tonight, we had ratatouille and couscous with halloumi, it was delicious, especially as he had to use his initiative for seasoning and oil alternatives. We have enough to last us a week but we'll have to eat up tomorrow or we'll be taking it to cairns with us. The plan is to chill with another DVD now before tomorrow's early start for daintree rain forest.

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