Tuesday 1 November 2016

Exploring Santa Barbara

Our bed in this place is huge and so comfy so it was tough getting up and out this morning! We drove into town and after a few loops found a free parking space. We were both very pleased with ourselves as it means avoiding parking costs all day.

We then walked to a trendy coffee shop for a pastry breakfast and after wandered down the long main high street and popped into a few shops along the way. I don't know where the morning went really.

Next we walked all the way to the beach front and down to the end of the pier. The weather here is absolutely perfect, dry, sunny but not disgustingly hot. We sat on a bench and time just passed. Fraser called for a chat and we sat discussing what we recommend him for his trip to Nepal.

We overheard a drunk man saying that San Fran was the most picturesque city he had ever been to. We then spent the time trying to work out what the most picturesque city we had been to was, maybe Queenstown, Dubrovnik or Barcelona we think. Officially it seems to be Venice.

Eventually we got hungry and went on a detoured route, via a brewery, to a recommended Mexican restaurant. It was a cute, cafe style restaurant with lots of tiny tables too close to the neighbour. 

The staff were lovely and apologised about 4 times for the delay in producing my fajitas but I'm afraid the food itself was very disappointing. The fajitas were bland and very dry, Edd's meat was thin and crispy but at least we were full when we left.

We wandered back via the town court which is supposed to be a highlight for tourists. It's a pretty building but I'm glad we didn't go out of our way. We're at the point in our travels now where if it isn't essential to see we're saving our money and finding we're very happy just wandering the streets.

We made it back to the hotel at about 5pm and just enjoyed our balcony and the warmth of the sun going down. Edd watched the baseball world series and I sorted the blog, we then spent the evening sorting through our travel photos, we want to have them sorted before we get home as we know we won't have time together when we're back and time will fly by before anything gets sorted. 

We are up early for our flight to NYC tomorrow, it's a funny day of travelling and we don't get to NYC and meet up with Mark until about 10.30pm tomorrow.With having to drop off the car in rush hour traffic we're taking no chances and leaving way too early as usual! New York is our last stop in what is no more than effectively a long weekend before we head for home!

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