Sunday 6 November 2016

Heathrow to Fletching

The flight from NYC to London was actually quite tough in terms of jet lag, we had a full day in NYC with Mark and set off early evening to arrive 6am(ish) but you only have 5 hours in the air so you end up with two full days and very little sleep in between. We landed and immediately noticed how cold it was, we were both so happy to be home and in our own country again but I have to say had I been a tourist arriving I wouldn't have been too impressed. 

The queue to get through passport was the slowest we've had and our luggage belt wasn't working so although Edd's bag was the one and only bag that got through we had a long wait for mine to finally appear. We got through declarations and found a quiet seat in arrivals to wait for my mum and dad to arrive. It gave us time to freshen up and I managed to find an anniversary card for tomorrow. 

Mum and dad finally arrived and mum called to say they were in the building, the next 5 minutes felt stupidly long but they finally come up in the lift with a lovely surprise of grandma in tow. It was just so so so lovely to see mum and dad and we set up camp in a pub for breakfast and a good catch up. It's weird because we've written this blog everyone already knows about what we've been up to so it gives us time to hear what others have been up to.

We had a couple of hours to wait for Hannah and Ben (they were landing from a holiday in Florida) and we were in position ready to surprise them from before they landed. We then had a painful hour of waiting whilst we watched every person come through! Hannah and Ben finally turned up and made it worth the wait!! Hannah reaction was absolutely brilliant and they were both really pleased to see us.

We had a drink with Han and Ben and more catch up. Before grabbing a taxi to take grandma home on the way down to Haywards Heath. By the time Colin picked us up we were both very tired but it was so so lovely to be home. 

Gillian cooked us a roast with lots of vegetables and it was delicious and just what we needed. By the time we had got through dinner Edd and I were exhausted and pretty much asleep at the table. We made it to 6.30pm before heading to bed for a 15 hour, well needed sleep!

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