Saturday 5 November 2016

Last day travelling! Highline, Central Park and flight to Heathrow

And so today was our 90th and final day travelling! We've had the most incredible three months and can't quite believe it's coming to an end. We're also super excited to be heading back to England to see all our friends and family.

We set our alarms earlier this morning to make the most of our final day and after packing up headed into the city. It was another beautiful fresh morning! Beautiful blue skies and the perfect way to see the city. The forecast for England is grey and drizzle!
We headed over to the highline walk which has been recommended by so many friends. The walk is an old disused railway track, the kind that sits above street level. It's been beautifully planted out and you get some stunning views of the city. Being autumn we were able to see the trees with their beautiful fall colours.

Our first stop on the walk was to grab some breakfast in the Chelsea Market. A really lovely converted building with a cool vibe. After coffees, croissants and pain au chocolates we were back on our way heading North on the highline. The views are really special and it was great to share with Wrigs on our last day.

After the highline we continued our wander North heading towards Central Park. We passed through the heart of theatre land and arrived at the south west corner of the park. Again it was absolutely beautiful with all the gorgeous fall colours against the backdrop of the perfect blue sky.

It's the New York Marathon tomorrow so we were able to wander the final section of the course which finishes in this part of central park. There were a lot of runners buzzing around and picking up their race packs etc for the big day!

We continued to head into the park and spent some time relaxing in the sun. We both love New York but if I have a criticism it's the real lack of green open spaces. Central Park is a lovely relief from all the concrete and it was a fitting way to finish our final morning.

Lunch was in a small local Italian and we all enjoyed simple but tasty Italian food. With time getting on we decided to head back towards the appartment and took our first subway! We've walked 20,000+ steps everyday in New York and relied on Uber's at night so it was amazingly our first trip on the subway! Manhattan is large but definitely walkable if you're happy to put the miles in, we've found it a great way to see the city.

We managed to find time to pick up a couple of souvenirs and one last craft beer tasting paddle. I've been feeling pretty run down the last few days so one paddle was enough and we were soon picking up out bags and ubering to the airport.

We left Mark to go and seek out more beers and we'll see him again back in London! He sent us some great pictures taking in the sunset on Brooklyn Bridge! Check in was relatively smooth although we again had to ask to have our seats moved next to each other.

A quick wander round the airport and a few plane snacks and we're good to go on the last leg of our incredible trip! We land at Heathrow on Sunday morning, just after 6am, to 3 degrees and cloudy with slight drizzle! I wouldn't have it any other way...

I hope anyone who's read any of the last three months blogs that you've enjoyed our thoughts and views. For anyone who's interested we're going to do a summary of the trip in the next few days to complete our little story. It's been a chore at times but hopefully a lovely personal reminder of our amazing time away!

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