Monday 7 November 2016

Summary of our travels

We have had the most incredible three months travelling together and have loved every minute of our time away. We've tried to summarise below our views and favourites from our trip that has taken us around the world and back:

Carly's Top 3: Prediction & Actual:
1. Showing Edd Vietnam                1. Turtle Island
2. Drive between San Fran & LA    2. New Zealand Scenery
3. New Zealand scenery                 3. Vietnam
3.5. Turtle Island                             3.5. Holding a seahorse

Edd's Top 3: Prediction & Actual:
1. Sailing the Whitsunday Islands   1. Campervan in New Zealand
2. Campervan in New Zealand       2. Yosemite National Park
3. Halong Bay                                 3. Sailing the Whitsunday Islands
3.5. San Francisco                          3.5. Halong Bay

Favourite Country: New Zealand. We had other amazing days in other countries but the whole three weeks in New Zealand was amazing with the most perfect scenery imaginable.

Top experience: Turtle Island. A real gem and Carly's top moment of the moment. Borneo as a whole wasn't great but the 24 hours on turtle island was unforgettable.

Best Beach: Octopus Resort in Fiji. If you imagine paradise this is it! An incredible resort on the most beautiful beach in the world.

Favourite City: Melbourne for Edd, New York for Carly. If you like Food, Beer, Coffee and Sport then Melbourne is the place for you, we had a great time there. New York is such an interesting city, the view from the top of the Rock is amazing to look over it all. We don't think in all honesty that either come close to London!

Best Meal: Home Vietnamese Restaurant. An amazing meal on the last night of our stay in Vietnam. Incredibly delicious refined food in a stunning setting.

Best Food: The fresh oysters in Tasmania fresh from the farm were a huge highlight.

Biggest Surprise: How much we LOVED Yosemite & Tasmania. Yosemite was soo much more beautiful than expected, particularly as we were there with the beautiful colours of the fall.

Favourite Cuisine: Vietnamese. We would not have expected this before we left but the food was consistently great with lovely fresh clean flavours.

Little Gem: Akaroa. This beautiful French colony in New Zealand was one of the most beautiful places either of us have been too. The weather was incredible while we there too.

Favourite Tour: Pohatu Penguins in Akaroa. A great evening, family run tour, through their land with a few stop offs for stunning views over Akaroa.

Stunning Scenery: Tie between Glenorchy & Kaikoura Peninsula. Glenorchy is a small town down the road from Queenstown and the town itself isn't anything special but we went for a walk and had some of the most stunning views over a lake and mountains, there was no one else around, it felt very special. The Kaikoura Peninsula was again beautiful, we walked along the top of a cliff, if you looked one way the scenery was lamb filled green with snow capped mountains and the other way was turquoise sea with rocky shores. 

Worth the Detour: Tin Can Bay Dolphin Feeding. we got up at 6am and drove to what felt like the middle of no where and it was special because there was only 10/15 of us in the water with the Dolphins, the fact that they are totally wild makes it even more incredible. 

Best walking tour: Sydney City tour. The guide was very good, he was a student studying history and so knew an awful lot about Sydneys past. 

Random Extra: Tasmania Seahorse Centre. I LOVED this little tour it was such a weird little centre but so interesting and very cool to be able to hold a seahorse. 

Friendliest People: The whole of Fiji. They pride themselves on their good service and everything from the flight out with more beers than Edd could drink to the staff on the beach was perfect, beyond the call of service and with a smile.

Best Coffee: Brother Baba Budan in Melbourne. Just the best coffee of the trip in a tiny cafe in Melbourne on our first morning in the city.

Best sporting experience: Watching the Cubs win the final match in the World Series in a bar in New York with Mark & Jason. The bar tender was a lifelong cubs fan and was extremely emotional when they won. 

Favourite Transport: Jucy campervan. Edd just loved driving it, i think the best bit was being able to pull up on the side of the road with a stunning view and make a cup of tea.

Best Accommodation: Hotel in Fox Glacier for Carly's birthday. I could have stayed in that bath tub all day long! It was a really lovely hotel with a little fire place in the room and a huge comfy bed and a great restaurant attached. the view from our room was lovely and they had all the essential amenities like washing machine as well as extras such as an art gallery.

Best Bar: Dead Rabbit in New York.A really gorgeous, cosy warm pub, full to the ceiling of interesting photos and other bits and bobs. It had sawdust on the floor and a good selection of beers for the boys. The food was delicious.

Best Drive: Queenstown to Glenorchy. The drive is along the edge of a lake and its beautiful with snow capped mountains in the background.

Best Beer: New Zealand Olympic Pale Ale. A smooth texture which was incredibly easy to drink, fruity and full of flavour.

Favourite woodland walk: We had four favourites! Arthur's Pass to Devils Cradle Waterfall, Kaikoura Peninsula, Cradle Mountain and the walk around Lake Matheson. They were all beautiful walks through stunning wiggly trees and interesting greenery. 

Missed most:
  • Family & Friends
  • Our garden
  • Central Heating
  • Tea with Milk
  • Duvets
  • English Chocolate
  • Flat Warm Ale (Harveys in particular)
  • Curry
  • Roast Dinners
  • Vegetables
  • Good public transport

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