Tuesday 11 October 2016


Last full day in the campervan and actually we spent it in town having left it parked at the campsite. This is the first time we have stayed two nights in the same place. I have to say I feel pretty exhausted of moving so much and doing so much.

Fiji will come as a welcomed rest, we plan to do nothing, partly to rest but also to save money for America, the budget is getting tight! The problem is when you're this far away from home you know you won't be back any time soon so you have to make the most of everything that's on offer.
At home you would save up to do one of the things we do per year instead of squashing them into 3 months but whilst you're here there's no point in doing it half hearted. At least America is a little closer, we stand more chance of being back there sooner. I'm not sure that will slow us down but that was sort of the attitude we went around Aus and Nz with.

So today we spent exploring Auckland, we had heard mixed reviews and weren't sure what to expect. We got the bus into town and within the first half hour decided we liked the city. The good weather definitely helped but it's a proper city and its lovely with the water and harbour to add a little something extra. We spent the morning walking around the harbour and I enjoyed some retail therapy, just the odd shop, it's the first time there's been time or big enough shops worth looking in since Melbourne.

We had an early lunch, we were both hungry, although I can't work out why, we had started the day with porridge. To go up the sky tower was $28 each but to have lunch was free to go up and included the viewing deck. We got to sit in a revolving restaurant and had a fancy lunch for far less than normal! 

I had gnocchi and Edd scallops to start and then hawkes bay lamb. The view from the sky deck was fantastic, poor Edd struggled to start with, with the height but got used to it and I even found him walking across the glass floor later on! It is incredibly high and a bit unnerving! I can't believe tourist can pay to walk around the outside with a harness on, there are no hand rails you are just on a walkway clinging onto your attachment. We both decided that we didn't want or need that sort of adrenaline rush!

We wandered some more making the most of the sun and decided we would keep the museum for tomorrow incase it was bad weather. Somehow we still ended up inside in an art gallery. There was supposed to be a really good exhibition of Maori art work but it was closed, instead we had to walk through rooms of modern art which I just can't stand. In all fairness some of the work had skill and technique, it just wasn't to my taste, most was just absolutely ridiculous. 

There was a video of a guy reading to different farm animals. Some plants growing under lights and a few balls of tin foil screwed up and covered in glitter, to name a few! There was some more traditional old paintings and portraits too. Edd enjoyed it a lot more than I did. I couldn't wait to get back out in the sun. 

We walked some more and then we both suddenly decided we were exhausted! I think you often don't realise how far you walk when you're strolling through a city, I'm always surprised when we get over 10,000 steps quite easily. 

We caught the bus back to the campsite, had a quick cuppa tea and freshened up before heading over to meet Euan and Chantelle. I used to dance with them over 5 years ago in London and was soooo excited to see them.

They offered to have us to their place for a BBQ and they sure know how to BBQ, we had steak, sausages and halloumi and salad, the list goes on. I absolutely loved seeing them so so much, I'm buzzing having just got back! 

I promise I'm not just writing this incase they read it!! Haha. We sat and caught up on everything they had been up to, I can't believe how time has gone by it was 3 years ago they left London! They're getting married in December so it was lovely hearing their wedding plans and passing on a few tips from ours!

I didn't want to say goodbye and I really hope that they come back to visit England soon. It was so lovely re-living memories from my days dancing with them.

Last nights sleep in the van and last day in NZ tomorrow, I've loved NZ so much but I'm tired and a rest in Fiji is the perfect next step.

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