Monday 10 October 2016

Rain, Coromandels & into Auckland

We had a thoroughly unsuccessful day today! We went to sleep with it raining and woke up to rain, we decided not to do the hot water beach, neither of us fancied digging a hole and sitting in a puddle whilst it rained on us.

We drove on, up to Cathedral Cove which is supposed to be stunning, it's a 40 minute drive and we were all set to do the walk in the drizzle. As we drove up on the cliff edge the rain got heavier, by the time we were sat in the car park to start the walk it was really raining hard, we watched as a few people tried to get out their cars in ponchos as the wind blew everything sideways. 

I really wasn't up for getting that soaked and was so relieved when Edd was happy to stay in the car. We continued our drive up the east coast of the coromandels and got to a small beach town where we stopped and ran in for coffee. The museum we planned to do there was shut on a Monday but the coffee and choc cake were a welcome break from driving.

Our aim was to get to coromandel town to camp for the night, we made it their by lunch time and the highlight of the day so far was a visit to the smokery. They are known for their smoked muscles so Edd had to sample a few. I made him eat them out of the car as I couldn't cope with the smell of anything fishy having just wiggled our way down a crazy windy road.

Edd commented that had the weather been good he could see the potential that it would be stunning, I had no comments because I had had my eyes shut the last part of the journey. We walked through the tiny, quiet, almost deserted town, up one side of the road and back the other before deciding we couldn't pass an afternoon here.

Back in the car and we decided Auckland was a better bet, it meant another 2.5 hours drive but Edd was keen and with the wet weather it seemed pointless trying to walk anywhere.

The coastal drive was pretty even in the fog and drizzle and in the sun I can see how it must be beautiful. We made it to Auckland for about 5pm and were just in time for our planned trip to the cinema by the time we had checked in!! 

We have been wanting to watch Bridget Jones baby for as long as we've been travelling but it never seems appropriate to miss out of tourist stuff or good weather to sit in a cinema. Well today seemed perfect, it was a good boost at the end of a grotty day and we would have just sat in the campervan had we not popped out because we already had dinner cooked. We are eating up the last of our food and had couscous and ratatouille left overs from the other night.

The film was brilliant and felt very relaxing doing something so 'normal'. We now have plenty of time to visit Auckland properly for the next two days!

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