Saturday 29 October 2016

Yosemite & drive to Monterey

We were up early(ish) at 7.30am to make the most of the park. We decided we would make the most of the good weather to drive up the valley to the Glacier Point. They are expecting snow tonight so the road is going to be shut for winter as of tomorrow so we felt very lucky to be able to sneak in. Thank god we managed to get up the road the views were stunning as we drove the 45 minutes up the valley to the breath taking view point.

The point is brilliant because it overlooks the whole of the valley and some interesting mountain/rock formations. We got out the car and wandered around the top. We both agree we love the mountains, the air always smells fresher and the sun feels warmer and the view was absolutely amazing.

We drove back down and felt smug as we passed car after car queuing up the hill. As we left the car park a big coach pulled up! Our trip to Yosemite could not have worked out more perfectly. The rain yesterday kept the tourists away, it filled up the waterfalls, we were allowed up for the last day of the season to glacier point and the colours have turned for Autumn but not fallen yet and today was beautiful sunshine. What more could you ask for really!!

We stopped off half way down the valley and chose a 2 mile walk across a hill/mountain side. If I'm totally honest it was a frustrating walk, don't get me wrong, it was beautiful and had we just turned up and done that walk I would have been happy but I knew the colours could be better. I was itching to get back in the car and back up the valley we had been in the day before. With the sun shining I was sure everything would be glowing.

I just couldn't put the camera down it was just ridiculous! The sun and the colours of the forest are like nothing you could imagine. We both agreed that the view from above was beautiful but being in the valley in amongst the glowing trees was exceptional, most beautiful place we had been.

We have decided it would be hard to recommend what to do to people about this place. Had we visited in summer I imagine the view from the top would have been amazing, as it was today and the valley would have been brilliant and beautifully green but nothing like what we experienced today.

We basically didn't do much today but drive and oggle at nature. We parked up for a quick picnic lunch in the car. I bet Edd £2 he couldn't get the biggest crisp in his mouth without it breaking and he proved me wrong! I've learnt a few new things about Edd this trip! Turns out he doesn't like apricots! Who knew!! He's also not bad a accents, bare in mind I'm the judge of that!! And he has a bigger mouth than I had realised! We've had too much time together can't you tell!!

Anyway we finally, begrudgingly left after I made Edd parallel park over and over in tight spots for 'just one more' photo. We had a 4 hour drive ahead of us through extremely flat and boring scenery, especially compared to what we had just left. Edd started the driving with me in control of the music play list, we had a good sing song; then I took over the driving and Edd had a good sing song on his own. At one point we were listening to cricket songs, I didn't even know they did songs about playing cricket!!

We arrived in Monterey and checked into our lovely little motel, with free breakfast, I like this place already! Edd was shattered, he has done a huge amount of driving today and he crashed out in front of a game of baseball, he's getting the hang of it now.

We rested a bit and then popped into town for beer and dinner. It's Halloween Saturday today and I've been really excited to see how Americans celebrate, apparently they love it. I have to say I was disappointed, maybe Monterey isn't a central hub but I was expecting a bit more. 

The waitresses had all made a bit of a effort in fancy dress I suppose but the streets weren't full of costumes and children 'trick or treating'. Dinner was good, I found a great veg and goats cheese pizza (definitely light on the veg) and Edd had fish tacos which was a great change from burgers.

We are now back home celebrating one week to go before we land on English soil again. We've still got a lot to fit in before then and I've had a realisation that I need to make the most of this time with Edd as its been so amazing having him all to myself for so long!!

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