Monday 24 October 2016

Vegas and over to San Fran

We woke up late and checked out just on time. As we checked out there were still people playing and betting! I also noticed how many people were smoking which I didn't notice last night. It really is a 24hour city. 

We then went for more of a wander and stopped off at a superstore to find some fruit, were both feeling under the weather and starting to crave healthy food. Poor Edds not feeling too well at all, run down from all the unhealthy eating. All we managed to find was a small tub of pineapple so we shared that. They don't really do fresh fruit and veg here.

We walked through a few more hotels and casinos and arrived at the Venetian. We wandered through and down stairs it looks just like all the other hotels with lots of slot machines and betting tables. We then went upstairs to find a mini Venice on the second floor. 

Not just a little like Venice, they had a canal with people having rides in gondolas!! And the ceiling was painted like sky! So surreal! We also walked through Paris under the Eiffel Tower (not as impressive but cool) and we went to New York! It's crazy, the Americans really don't need to come to Europe they have it all here!!

Every casino is so elaborate it's incredible. We spent the morning wandering and chose a few more 1c machines to play on. Our luck was out today as we lost everything we played! We even had a competition to see which of us could make the most out of our $1 each and both finished with nothing! It's so obvious how this becomes addictive, I don't know how anyone ever makes any money, especially as most of the games are based on random chance and luck not skill!

We found a burrito place for lunch and I asked for veggie just to get some veg in. It was ridiculous he gave me large of everything other than the peppers so I had to ask for more!!

We braved the motorway again and made it to the airport unbumped! The car drop off was incredibly well organised, I guess everyone hires a car so they have to deal with a lot of people fast. As we got on the shuttle bus to the airport we found out that the flight was delayed. 

Apparently, we found out later, it's because San Fran has a runway they have to shut if it rains too heabily! It has rained for the last two days in Vegas and San Fran weather is looking worse so I think that's the end of my almost tan!!

At check in we were given the choice to go on standby for an earlier flight. We had to hover near the gate and if there was any space we would get on. The flight was 'full' and there were 57 people on standby but somehow we were 8 and 9th on the list. As things got closer it got more exciting as slowly names were called and people didn't show. There were lots of people hovering to get on and it's amazing how many people hassled the poor lady at the gate for information. 

The flight was about to leave and she was still calling out names, apparently people choose standby and then get bored and go sit in a lounge so miss their chance. We so nearly made it! We were the next two on the list as she closed the gate. Edd had decided we weren't separating if there was one seat, I wanted him to go because he's feeling rough but in the end we missed out on having to chose anyway!!

It means that we now have a 3 hour delay and will miss check in at our hotel as we get in passed midnight. I've just been on the phone to sort a key being left out for us. We had to email card details and photos of our passports. I don't know how people used to do it without phones!! We now just have to sit and wait!!

We arrived in to San Fran after a slightly bumpy flight around 11:15 with our bags already waiting for us. The wonders of uber got us to our hotel before midnight and we were glad to crash into bed after a longer than expected days travels! Start exploring tomorrow...

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