Wednesday 12 October 2016

Last day in Nz and an emotional farewell to Jucy

Last day in NZ and we had to give our Jucy back! It was a very weird day, the whole reason for this trip was to visit Aus and NZ and today is the last day of that. We are both looking forward to sleeping in Fiji but we have loved NZ so much and it's been special doing it by campervan, having a home and a base every night.
We got up slowly and repeated our little morning routine but added a lot of extra cleaning to make sure we wouldn't be charged for dropping than van back dirty. We then planned to visit some beaches and the museum as the weather wasn't great. We started at Mission Bay, an inner city beach, which, I'm sure would be lovely as a local to come and chill but, on a slightly grey day, as tourists, we wandered along and back and then didn't really know what else to do so we got back in the car.
Next was the museum, it's a war museum mainly, the car park was full, so were the roads around the museum, so was every spot we could see anywhere and there should have been a lot of options. We worked out there was something going on when we saw elderly gentlemen with medals all walking up the hill. We finally found a spot that only allowed 90minute parking. We were told you need at least 2-3hours for the museum and we weren't willing to pay entry if we couldn't make the most of it.
We popped in to find out that in 1917 on the 12th October in Passchendale, 845 kiwi men were killed, the biggest loss of New Zealand live in any one day of conflict. There was a remembrance lunch happening in the museum. We decided that if we were going to pay to get in we didn't want to rush it.

Instead we found these cool botanical gardens to wander round. Only small but they had too glass houses, one extremely hot, full to bursting with incredible plants and flowers. It was like being in the most ridiculous rain forest. There was also a water fountain and a fern garden which was a little uncared for but bursting with ferns.

We then decided we would visit Eden Mount to have a look at the city from up high. We climbed up and took a couple of photos before getting back in the car to find a nice spot for lunch. We found 'the best park in Auckland' on trip advisor, it really was beautiful, a green hill with trees lining the streets and sheet and cows everywhere. We drove to the top of the hill too for a view and then dipped back into the leafy park for some lunch. We were finishing off all the bits we had from the 3 weeks so lunch was crackers, pate and grapes.
To be honest we were sort of just waiting to say goodbye to our Jucy and check into the hotel so we slowly headed over to the airport. We thought there would be a big inspection and goodbyes to the Jucy but when we dropped the van off the staff barely seemed to care. They checked the fuel and made sure the bedding was still there but that was it. We both walked away feeling a bit lost without a car and now having to lug our rucksacks again.

The walk to the hotel was about 20 minutes and that was definitely long enough, I don't think my rucksack is on the right settings anymore and it's not very comfy to carry. We booked in and spent the afternoon doing admin and pampering. I felt the best I've felt in ages! No dried skin, showered and clean hair, shaved legs, the works!! It felt like I was getting ready to go on holiday. Edd booked more of the itinerary for America and sorted photos and we booked for an dinner in the restaurant next door.

We ate at 6pm which was too early for me to be hungry and I totally got it wrong. That just happens sometimes the menu was very good, classic western pub food with Asian twists. Edd chose well. For some reason I ended up choosing a starter and a sharing dish and a side dish. In my head they were going to be lots of small dishes. In reality I ended up with 4 cauliflower cheese balls to start (big ones, enough to fill me up really) followed by the most massive bowl of potato wedges, bacon and cheese you have ever seen with lemon, broccoli on the side. The most ridiculous meal and far too much food.

Rather than just leaving some I ploughed through most of it with some help from Edd. By the time dinner was done I needed a walk, we did the walk we will do with rucksacks tomorrow to the airport. I have never felt so uncomfortable and was looking for places to be sick along the road, I can't believe I ate that much!! Edd was horrified and said if I was sick he would never take me for dinner again because it was disgusting I had got myself into that state! I have to say I agree with him, it was stupid how much I ate!! I didn't know what to do with myself!
I recovered a long time later and we have been on the wifi sorting bits and the phone talking to home before 5 days of no signal in Fiji. I'm looking forward to the Internet break to be honest! Tomorrow is an early start of 5am ish so much sleep now!

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