Monday 17 October 2016

Snorkelling, Massage & Relax

Even in paradise it can occasionally rain! After three of the most beautiful days of sunshine today was cloudy with occasional showers. It is still incredibly beautiful here and the temperatures don't drop too much. Basically it just means everyone can sit where they want without having to huddle under the limited shade!

After our usual lazy start to the day we headed back to our hut and read our books, enjoying the spare time with no rush to do anything. I downloaded a heap of books in Bali to see me through Australia and New Zealand but only managed to get through one and a half. It's been so nice to chill in this beautiful part of the world and am already onto my third book of the holiday.

We headed out to sea mid morning for another snorkel and while the sea was a bit cooler and the current a lot stronger we still saw some amazing fish. Everyone you speak to agrees that the coral isn't as attractive here as on the GBR but the fish are comparable if not better in some instances. It's so nice to be able to just wander into the water without the hour+ ride into the middle of the ocean.

We enjoyed our last lunch on the island before both heading to get our pre-booked massages. I think our massages in Bali were slightly better but you don't get much more idyllic than hearing the waves hitting the beach on a beautiful island in Fiji! This portion of the trip won't go down as the most exciting but it definitely wins on the relaxing and beauty front!

Refreshed from my massage we were able to get another volleyball game going with an even better turn out than the day before! It was nice to be playing sport again after not having been able too for the past few months. Dinner was again excellent, the food has been superb for the past days here!

I had thought that we may have a late(ish) night for our last night on the island but the heat, food and earlier running around makes me tired! We were tucked up in bed before 11pm with our long day ahead tomorrow!

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