Saturday 15 October 2016

Eat, Drink, Sleep, Repeat...

On the agenda for today was eat, sleep, read, sunbath and maybe swim!

It's not as relaxing as it sounds because we are both are terrible at sitting still but I'm sure we'll get the hang of it!! We've made a few friends but people really aren't in the mood to chat, they just want to chill.
We did a cooking course at 3pm which was, um, well, unusual. At 3pm I asked the bar staff if there was a cooking course and they seemed shocked I knew what was going on, lots of shouting to the kitchen confirmed that we could and should have already signed up at the beach hut. We walked down there to be told that we were fine to join without signing up and should go back to where we had originally been waiting. 

There were other people there by the time we got back so we just sat and waited, the staff strongly emphasise that everything will happen on Fijian time, i.e. if they say 3pm it may be 3pm, or 3.30 or 5pm whenever suits really. We're on holiday so we don't care but I don't know how I would cope if I wanted to do anything!

A couple of people finally turned up with some coconuts and eventually someone in chefs whites said hi. He showed us how to make ceviche, well he showed us how to make coconut milk and mix the other pre prepared ingredients together. When I say he, he had someone else do the coconut milk and the sieving and the washing up. He did plate up for us though!! I have to say I wouldn't really call it a cooking class,more a demo but what he produced was tasty!

Edd and I spent the next hour or so playing in the pool before returning to our busy schedule of reading, eating, drinking and sunning. Edd is now looking rosy and I'm still as glow in the dark white as always but I think I've gained a few freckles so I'm getting there!!

We met our friend Clarke for drinks and sunset before dinner. We ate with the most sociable table yet, an Aussie couple who actually made an effort to chat and two girls who we ate lunch with and were a bit more awake than they had been at lunch. The night was advertised as party night but the 7 of us just had a few rounds of drinks. We're tucked up in bed at 10.30pm so it wasn't much of a party. 

Edd and I did get a dance in as the Aussie couple were happy to dance and another couple were practising their jive moves. We tried to do the spin from our wedding first dance but I ended up with a broken flip flop and what feels like a broken big toe (it's definitely not broken just bruised and very sore!!) that was enough for one night and we sat in the light of the full moon chatting instead. 

Turns out it's a super full moon, which is special because it's the closest the moon is to the earth tonight. Because of the full moon it also means we have extremely high and low tide which is cool too see. Poor Edd is looking an aggressive shade of red now and is radiating heat next to me. I really feel for him and I don't want to be too mothering but I'm not going to let him snorkel tomorrow without a thick layer of sun cream on his back.

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