Friday 26 August 2016

Asia to Australia

Back on the road today with a 6am start as we leave Asia and head down to Australia for the next four weeks. It was raining as we arrived at the airport in Denpasar and we said goodbye to the island of Bali. Traditionally early we enjoyed a coffee and quick wifi as I was able to put up a backlog of pictures into Fb.

The flight to Jakarta was only 90 minutes and then we were faced with a 9 hour wait until our next flight to Sydney! Unable to check our luggage back in and faced with an uninspiring section of restaurants in the departures area we decided to look into the airport hotel.

£27 for a bed for the next 6 hours seemed like a bargain for two sleepy travellers and it felt like some of the best money we had spent all trip! We managed to get some decent sleep and freshen up with showers before back to the departure gates and checking in for our night flight to Oz. A few cups of tea and all seemed right in the world again!

We're both a bit under the weather today. In a lot of ways it's great to have hit on a travel day as we're not wasting a day feeling ill when we could be sightseeing. It is tough, however on planes and wandering airports when we'd rather be curled up asleep. I've had a cold and cough that have been coming on for a few days. I'm putting it down to the changes between humid hot weather and then sleeping in v.cold air con rooms. 

Carly is really struggling with her eczema again bought on by the hot weather. Hopefully with cooler conditions in Sydney for the next week we'll soon be back to full strength!

As international airports go Jakarta is not the most exciting that we've spent time in! We found a nice cafe to pitch up in but the usual array of places to spend time we're definitely lacking. Hoping for a nice smooth flight to Sydney, a few movies and a bit of sleep. Hoping to be feeling better for our AFL game at the SCG tomorrow evening.

Summary of Bali:
  • Electricity not working translates to "Very sorry we've double booked!"
  • Main religion on the island is Hindu
  • The majority of Indonesia is predominantly Muslim
  • Ubud has more healthy eateries than even the trendiest area in London!
  • £1 will get you 17,000 IDR
  • The food has influences from across Asia, predominantely rice dishes and some beautiful dishes that we created in our cookery class.
  • August is the month of the Kite festival.You can see kites flying from most houses some up to 20ft in length
  • Every house has its own temple
  • A popular holiday destination! We stayed with Dom & Lisa as well as spending time with her friend Holly. Kim and Kris were also on holiday for the same period and we met up with them for a drink.
  • Bali is overrun with stray dogs and a number were killed last year due to a rabies outbreak
  • They give daily offerings to the Gods and keep bad spirits away. These consist of Fire, Water and Flowers
  • Bintang is served everywhere! I've never known a country that serves so much of just one type of beer. Bali Hai is a similar pale pilsener but available far less frequently.

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