Monday 1 August 2016

Planning continues...

Being a geek at heart I've always enjoyed planning trips on Excel! This has become even more useful in recent years with the introduction of Google sheets. I'm now able to plan the entire trip from my phone with all the information available immediately on my laptop and vice versa. Flight details, transport options and accommodation are all chronicled on my four tab document.

I have predominantly booked our trip using which has the huge benefit of being able to cancel up to 24hrs before check in. This has allowed us to be fully booked up for the trip but with the flexibility to cancel and change plans if we so desire.

We're now both into our final week at work and getting very excited to get going on the trip! I spe
nt the weekend saying goodbye to my family and we've got our leaving drinks planned for Thursday night in Clapham before our final weekend with Carly's family at the Edinburgh Festival.

I've also now completed the purchasing of my electronics and camera equipment. I'm very happy with my array of lightweight gadgets that I'll be travelling and have spent the last few days working out how to get the best of my new lens. Results below...

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