Monday 22 August 2016

Borneo to Bali

Another travel day today and back to an early start. Being used to large western airports we arrived 2 hours early and checked in within 5 minutes before not being allowed to go through security for over an hour! Way too keen!

The early arrival was then made worse by a two hour delay to our flight. Slightly panicking that we'd miss our connection and be stuck in KL for the night we went back through security to talk to the air asia team. Dubbed as the easyjet of Asia we weren't expecting much but they were amazingly helpful. Within a few minutes we'd been moved onto a later flight from KL to Bali. Later arrival to Bali but at least we'll be there this evening.

Being super organised we'd run our Malaysian currency down and spent our lost 30myr on the taxi to the airport. A short trip to the cash machine, a third visit to security and we were soon enjoying coffee, ice tea and oreo biscuits! With cake and desserts not appearing on any menus we've been getting though packets of oreos!

Food wise we've really enjoyed the local cuisine so far in South East Asia. We had our stand out restaurant meal in Hanoi and in general the foods been great along the way. The home stay food in Vietnam was paricurally delicious and beautifully cooked. Mainly simple dishes with rice and generally a lot of smaller courses. Today however in Kl airport we went for the big names! Maccy D's and Subway were the order of the day between flights.

Once safely in the airport Edd told me that he had kept a few things from me. Firstly, the lovely hotel we have been resting in all of yesterday had a rat run through the restaurant whilst I went to the room to get our water bottle. Thank god I didn't know! I love my husband!!!

Secondly, and more scarily, apparently Borneo has a reputation for kidnappings. I hadn't twigged but everywhere we went the guide would explain that the men in uniform with guns were there for our protection. Turns out there is an Islamic group in the Philippines (islands very close to turtle island) that took Canadian and US tourists in March earlier this year, most have since been released after the ransom was paid. They've not all been so lucky!

Have to admit as much as I loved the turtles (highlight of the trip so far), the orangutans and other amazing wildlife, I'm very happy to be getting away. As we went for a wander around the town yesterday a guy on the street punched me in the arm, not too hard, no reason, but it really shook me up. Time to move on to friendly faces!!

We finally arrived in Bali at 9pm and after waiting for our bags we jumped in an Uber and headed to our Air B&B villa. Dom & Lisa have been here for a few nights already and so we were able to meet them at the villa, it was so lovely to see them and catch up over a few beers, dough sticks and crisps. They've booked us into a surf lesson first thing in the morning which will be good fun to all do together and then we head up to Ubud. Very excited to spend the next few days together with friends from home.

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