Tuesday 23 August 2016

Surfing in Bali

So Bali has been eventful, we finally got to Cheds and Lisa late last night in the pouring rain. They were staying in an Airbnb in the middle of nowhere so it was hard working persuading the taxi driver we knew where we were going. We stayed up chatting and catching up with drinks and nibbles.

This morning was an early start for a surf lesson. The guy picking us up struggled to find the place and was late but it gave us time to get organised properly and sun creamed for the beach. We then got dressed up in our beach skins and the two instructors taught us how to carry our massive boards. We started with the basics on the beach but the theory didn't last long before we were being smashed with waves and trying to get to grips with board, balance and paddling. 

Lisa took to it naturally (although we found out later that she has already had a few attempts before!) it wasn't long before Edd was standing and looking pretty stylish. Cheds took a while longer but definitely had the hang of it by the end. I got worse and worse and more exhausted as time went on and was delighted when we had to have a break!! By the time we got back the wave were getting pretty massive, it was great to try and I'm so pleased we all got to do it together, I think it's another sport I can tick off the list as 'not my thing' but I did manage to stand by the last few attempts!!

We then went for some breakfast and as we wandered the streets looking for somewhere to stop I told the others that my dream would be avocado, sourdough and poached eggs. They all laughed as a more likely breakfast would be egg fried rice and chicken again! You would not believe it, we walked a few more metres, chose a cafe to stop at and the menu was amazing! Sourdough, avocado, the works! Hadn't realised I had been craving something western and yummy so much! I could not have been happier, good friends, good fun morning and good food!

We made it to our villa at about 2pm and were told that the previous people still hadn't left and to come back at 3pm. No one was too impressed but we wandered into town for a bit of lunch and some tea. We got back from lunch and were finally allowed into the villa which was lovely, big spacious rooms and a private pool. Edd, Lisa and Cheds hit the pool as soon as we got rid of the lady showing us in. I got to wash off all the salt water and had just settled down when Lisa noticed a man sneak around the side of our villa. As the boys went to investigate the cleaner turned up with the owner on the phone. The power had failed, they were very sorry but they had to move us to another villa. I was pretty chilled about it but the others (that I was relaying the message to in the pool) were not so happy.

After lots of discussion and debate Edd and I ended up in a taxi across town with the luggage whilst Lisa and Cheds waited for Lisa friend Holly before they were to join us. Edd and I were dropped off at a stunning villa, with too many staff to faff over your ever need and the most huge room ever! The only slight hick up was that this villa was not private, only had one room available so 6 of us were set up in one room, sofa bed and mattress and it was miles away from ubud, a 25 minute drive.

The receptionist explained that our previous villa had been double booked (NOT an electrical fault!) and that he was doing his friend a favour by hosting us. I was obliviously happy and thankful to the guy showing us around only to be told off by Edd for being too enthusiastic in front of the staff when we were going to be making a big complaint and trying to get our money back for the villa we were shunted from!

Lisa and Cheds showed up and Lisa did a very good job of not being impressed and has sent some angry emails to the booking company and the owner! We got a free bottle of wine out of it and a free lift into and back from town. We had to secretly enjoy the wine without looking too impressed so that our complaint was justified.  

The hotel had a couple of kites flying up above the villa, the owner explained that during the month of August they fly kites out of tradition. I didn't manage to find out any more about the tradition but he pointed out lots of kites very high in the sky. They are huge and so high up, they also make a noise from tapes that blow in the wind. I had assumed it was an insect noise which the hotel guy found funny.

We used our free trip to get into town. We didn't get very far before finding a Shisha bar. We stopped for a drink before dinner and agreed to meet Lisa's friend Holly and her man Ryland. By the time they showed up it was about 9pm and a band had started, we decided that we would stay there for dinner and infact stayed on right until 1.30, which for ubud is extremely late. It was a lovely evening with good friends, lots of drinking, Shisha, great music and out of tune singing!

We then called our free shuttle, when I say we- Lisa called, I wouldn't have had the guts to call a guy at 1:30am and ask for a free lift. He told us that he had said he would collect us up until 10pm. He hadn't but in fairness I wasn't surprised that he wasn't keen in the early hours of the morning. Lisa however wasn't impressed! We finally found a guy, not a taxi driver, on the dark and deserted streets of ubud, willing to take us home. He drove like a mad man through the 90 degree bends of ubud swerving around stray dogs. I was very happy to arrive 10 minutes ahead of schedule to be able to get out of the car!

We have just got back to our shared room and it's taken a good hour to get Edd settled after the excitement from a day spent with his friends and a few bin gang beers. It's now 3am and we are still playing music and singing along to the iPod Lisa bought with her. I'm off to sleep now, I have a feeling the others may be awake a while longer!

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