Sunday 21 August 2016

Chill day

And relax... Today we had a super chilled day after a frenetic start to the trip. That and we've covered the main tours in his part of Borneo and there is next to nothing to do in the town itself. We've had a great start to the trip and have thoroughly enjoyed our time in the first two countries we've visited.

Today was probably a day too much in this town but we're going to have a few nothing days in three months we're away. We've made the most of catching up on sleep! It would have been great to be able to move our flights and meet friends in Bali a day earlier but as it was it turned out to be a really useful day to sort some washing and organise other parts of the trip.

We've predominantly got the trip booked up but there are a still a few countries and sections left to book. All the flights have been booked, but from Australia onward we only have a skeleton plan in place. We've got an AFL game booked the night we get to Sydney and are meeting some friends we met in Sri Lanka for brunch the next day as a starter. After that we'll speak to people we meet and look for suggestions going forward.

And so tomorrow we move onto Bali. Having read a bit about the island we're not going to have anywhere near enough time to enjoy the full experience. We are however meeting a few friends and have got a gorgeous villa booked in for Ubud, so we're very excited to get there. They arrived last night and sent us a picture of the private pool in our first villa and are looking at booking a surf lesson for the first morning! All being well with our two flights via Kuala Lumpur we should be in Bali just before 7pm tomorrow.

This morning we got a paper in our room and leafing through I noticed a small article on the Piltdown Man. This was the hoax skull planted by a group of scientists in 1912 and claimed to be the 'missing link' between man and ape. The village of Piltdown is located a few minutes away from where I grew up in Sussex! It seemed strange to be reading about this so far away from home in the local paper! 

Summary of Borneo:
  • £1 = 5 MYR
  • Borneo isn't actually a country itself but an island made up of three countries. We stayed in Malaysian Borneo in the state of Sabah.
  • Borneo has it's own flag which is proudly raised in most gardens and boats.
  • Turtle Island
  • Malaysia is a very Muslim country, Borneo however is predominantly a Christian Island.
  • Turtle eggs are considered a delicacy, they are now thankfully illegal to sell but still seen around the markets.
  • They used to export a lot of Crocodile skins,this has in recent years also been made illegal.

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