Monday 8 August 2016

Packing, Heathrow & misplaced passports!

And so we're off! Bags all packed. Check. Camera, visas and relevant documents. Check. Passport.... " Carly have you seen my passport??!!" The worst feeling I've pretty much ever experienced... For someone as over planned as me it was unexpected and out of character. For all the nice to have little adapters carefully packaged away in their slots this was the item I really couldn't go without!

After a few minutes of frantic searching, phone calls and choice expletives the passport was found. Buried within the medical draw in our lounge. We later remembered Carly had used it as ID to pick up a parcel and I'd forgotten to put it back in my bag!
Panic over the rest of the day was much calmer! Checking over bags, tidying and washing bedding and towels. Carly left before lunch to attend a funeral of a close family friend and I finished off organising the the house before heading over to Heathrow T3 for our evening Flight to Dubai.

Obligatory pint and get a few last minute bits from the airport travel shops and we're good to go!

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