Sunday 28 August 2016

Darling Harbour & Ferry to Manly

This morning we woke up to a phone call from my family on loud speaker, they were all having dinner together and it was SO lovely the hear from them. We then wandered over to Darling Harbour to meet friends Trish and Gary, we met them three years ago on our Sri Lanka holiday. They live in Canberra but stayed over in Sydney last night after the AFL game and met us for breakfast. 

It was so so lovely to catch up with them, we had an amazing breakfast in the harbour overlooking the sparkling water with boats coming and going as we sat out in the morning sun. Having not seen them for 18 months they didn't even know that we had got engaged, let alone got married, moved house and started three months travelling! I can't believe this is their spring, it feels like a perfect summers day for us, we picked a good time to visit!

They recommended us catching the boat from Darling harbour to Sydney harbour and then off to manly which was brilliant as we went under Sydney harbour bridge and got a brilliant view of the Opera House. We then transferred on to the ferry to Manly which was about half an hour and a lovely trip across the water. We again got stunning views back over the City of high rise buildings and the iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge.

Manly is lovely, it has a small town feel that opens up to a big white beach with a small market alongside it. We wandered the coast line along to a more secluded beach and then up to a view point on the cliff and through some costal woodland. 

We spent the afternoon looking out to sea and enjoying the sun whilst booking a few trips for the coming days. Lots of people were out but not too many were braving the sea yet, the weather is due to get warmer and people still have jumpers on here most of the time.

We picked up our first ice creams of the trip (we didn't have them in Asia as they are a know cause for food poisoning if they are melted and re frozen a few times) and 'stumbled across' a micro brewery. Edd sampled a few of the beers from the bars own brewery and we had a lovely dinner.

Being a Sunday Edd opted for the Lamb Roast and I went for the burger. The food was really lovely and as the evening progressed a live musician started up. He was very talented with a loop pedal and guitar and a lovely way to spend the evening in Manly.

We have just travelled back by boat in the dark and Sydney is stunning all lit up. Big thanks to Adam and Liz who have given us lots of tips on where to go including recommending boats as much as possible to see the city. 

We got the tube home and couldn't believe how empty and quiet it was for a Sunday evening, absolutely no one on the platform, London would never be this quiet in the centre! 7am wakeup tomorrow for out day tour out to the Blue Mountains with another crisp Sunny day forecasted!

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